Archived Articles
Does a relationship exist between an estate attorney and the estate’s beneficiaries?
In Pennsylvania, the attorney of any given estate is hired by the personal representative (who was hired by the estate owner) and not by the estate’s beneficiaries. Because there is no attorney-client relationship between the attorney and the beneficiaries, many people believe that the attorney owes nothing to the beneficiaries...
Continue ReadingDo you need a pre-nuptial agreement if you are remarrying?
When you are in the process of getting remarried, a pre-nuptial agreement may be something you do not consider. Getting remarried is exciting and a happy time. You may be ready to start on a fresh path with someone new since you have already experienced tre end of a marriage....
Continue ReadingHow to stay emotionally safe during difficult co-parenting
Are you struggling to successfully navigate your co-parenting relationship with your child’s other parent? If so, you’re certainly not alone. Many parents in Pennsylvania find themselves facing tension and conflict as they work out scheduling and time-sharing arrangements. But when the friction intensifies, it can negatively impact your child, harming...
Continue ReadingHow can you alleviate the stress of pending criminal charges?
There’s no doubt that facing criminal charges is stressful. You can easily find yourself lost in thoughts of potential prison time, financially ruinous fines, and irreparable harm to your career and reputation. Although it might be hard to do, you can take solace knowing that there are multiple criminal defense...
Continue ReadingProfessional drivers must avoid even a first DUI
The criminal penalties even for one DUI in Pennsylvania are steep. While a first-time DUI with no aggravating circumstances will not require jail time, it is still a criminal conviction. Furthermore, any prior DUIs will make the punishments harsher. Pennsylvania also punishes those with higher BAC levels, over .10 and...
Continue ReadingDivorce, child custody and holiday schedules
With holiday season in full swing, it is difficult to not see the importance these holidays have for individuals and families. For most parents, they cannot imagine celebrating the holidays without their children. However, for divorced parents, this is often a challenge. Creating a custody plan can be a difficult...
Continue ReadingCreating guardianship plans for your children
If you are a parent of young children, you may want to consider creating a guardianship for them as part of your estate plan. It can give you peace of mind, knowing that your children will be cared for according to your wishes in the event you are not able...
Continue ReadingAvoiding a DUI over the holidays
We are all busier during the holidays, which are filled with parties, family gatherings and other social events. Many of these events involve alcohol and you may find yourself having a few drinks more often than usual. Police officers know this, which is why there are often more cops on...
Continue ReadingWhat happens to a family business in divorce?
Dividing property frequently comes to the forefront in a Pennsylvania divorce. People will understandably view that from the perspective of items they have accrued as a couple. That includes a marital home, joint bank accounts, investments, automobiles and collectibles. However, some people have a business that could be a major...
Continue ReadingHow will your children perceive your divorce?
Anyone in Pennsylvania who is going through a divorce is sure to feel, at times, anger and frustration. However, when the divorce involves issues dealing with minor children as well, those feelings can be multiplied and, in fact, can be combined with other feelings such as uncertainty and helplessness. The...
Continue ReadingWhat happens to a family business in divorce?
Your marriage is over, and you are heading for divorce. Property division is a major part of the divorce process in Pennsylvania. This process can be complex, and the situation becomes even trickier if you own a business with your spouse. Chances are you and your spouse were not contemplating...
Continue ReadingIf you are a landlord, you are a small business owner
Many people in the Lancaster area may own an extra home in the area. Others may even rent space in their own residence to make some extra money. While they might not think of it this way, any Pennsylvania landlord is also a small business owner. This is true even...
Continue ReadingUnderstanding child custody denials
When parents divorce and they have children in common, they must address child custody. Sometimes, parents can come to a mutually acceptable agreement about custody but often the court must decide instead. The court’s primary concern is the best interest of the child. This means that in some situations, it...
Continue ReadingThree reasons DUI breath tests might not be reliable
If you have been charged with DUI in Pennsylvania, the prosecution will most likely use the results of a chemical breath test as evidence against you. This can be very powerful evidence. If your test showed a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or higher, you are legally presumed too...
Continue ReadingReasons to avoid social media during your divorce
Divorce is an emotionally draining time for anyone going through it, and it is normal for divorcing parties to seek an outlet for their feelings and frustrations during the divorce process. For many people, social media is where they often vent and unwind. However, during a divorce, having an online...
Continue ReadingHow can single parents in Pennsylvania approach estate planning?
Estate planning can seem like such a daunting, confusing task that some people decide that it just isn’t worth it. That can be a serious mistake, especially for single parents in Pennsylvania. As a recent news article noted, having an estate plan in place is crucial for single parents –...
Continue ReadingTraffic stop yields evidence of several crimes
Being pulled over for a traffic violation is serious enough, but a traffic stop that appears to be routine may yield evidence of several other, more serious crimes. A recent traffic stop in the borough of Lititz demonstrates this effect very convincingly. The incident On July 9, a Lititz borough...
Continue ReadingModifying a child custody order in Pennsylvania
If you and your ex are fighting for custody of your children, you and your ex may be required by the court to submit a parenting plan specifying a childcare schedule and other details. The court will review the plans and develop a final plan best suited to serve the...
Continue ReadingCan I take photos or videos of the police?
Interactions with police officers usually make people nervous. Whether you are pulled over while driving, have a police officer show up at your door or are stopped by a police officer while in public, you are likely to feel anxious. You may also have questions about what your rights are...
Continue ReadingDecision-making and co-parenting in Pennsylvania
When working out a child custody plan, parents often develop elaborate schedules that cover who will get the kids on what dates, who will pick them up from school or drive them to events, who will spend holidays with them and many more details. These are all important matters, but...
Continue ReadingCan I move with my child to a new city after I divorce?
Summer is a popular time for families in Lancaster to move from one city or state to another, since the relocation would not disrupt their child’s school routine and would give the child a chance to adjust to their community before the new school year begins. But if you are...
Continue ReadingWhat are the differences between LLCs and corporations?
Starting a business in Pennsylvania is an exciting time for many people. It can also be nerve-wracking as there are many aspects of running a business that people need learn when they get started. People may understand the product or service that they are providing and may have clients and...
Continue ReadingWhat penalties could you face upon criminal conviction?
There’s no doubt that it’s stressful when you’re up against criminal charges. If this is your first time being accused of criminal wrongdoing, then you might be wondering about what the process will look like, but you’re probably more concerned about the potential penalties that the prosecution seeks to thrust...
Continue ReadingUnderstanding small business tax credits
Whether you are just starting your small business in Lancaster or have been in business for a while, it is important to know about potential tax credits that might be available to you. Feeling anxious or stressed during tax season is normal, but knowing you are using the available small...
Continue ReadingDUI suspect arrested and charged with other crimes
Driving under the influence of alcohol or other drug that impairs a person’s thought and reaction times often leads to other criminal charges that far outweigh drunk driving. A recent arrest in Reading illustrates the point. The arrest According to news reports, police stopped the suspect’s car because they noticed...
Continue ReadingDo divorce and child custody always have to be scary?
If you are a young married person who is facing a Pennsylvania divorce and child custody dispute, you feel overwhelmed and anxious about your future. You are worried about how the divorce will affect your children, your finances and your emotional well-being. You may also wonder what options you have...
Continue ReadingNavigating three child-related financial issues post-divorce
Figuring out how to effectively co-parent can be a struggle. You and your child’s other parent might have conflicting ideas about the best way to raise your child, which can lead to heated disputes that are difficult to resolve. But even if you and your child’s other parent are on...
Continue ReadingCo-parenting tips during after-school sports season
Divorced or separated parents know that co-parenting is not always easy. You and your co-parent might agree on a custody schedule, but as your child gets older, changing circumstances can bring new challenges. One of these common challenges involves how to handle custody time when your child is involved in...
Continue ReadingWho should you select as the executor of your will?
Planning for people’s passing in the Lancaster, Pennsylvania, area is not something people typically like to think about. However, like people plan for other aspects of their future, they should also plan for what will happen to their property after they die. One of the most important parts of the...
Continue ReadingCan I get a drug DUI if I have a valid prescription for the drug?
If you have a chronic health condition or a serious illness, it is likely that you take a prescription drug to manage or treat it. These drugs are lawful to use as directed if you have a valid prescription. Still, some of these drugs have side effects that can affect...
Continue ReadingNesting can solve some child custody-related issues
For divorcing parents, they must deal with all of the things all divorcing couples deal with, but then, all of the child custody-related issues as well. This leads many to look for creative ways to solve these child custody-related issues or make dealing with other divorce issues easier. One solution...
Continue ReadingInternational child abduction
For those dealing with child custody issues, you know that there are a million issues to resolve. However, for those dealing with international child custody issues, they know that there are actually a million other issues to worry about as well. If one parent should abscond with your child, there...
Continue ReadingHow co-parents can make the best of school sports season
Navigating a coparenting relationship can be difficult, to say the least. You and your child’s other parent may have conflicting ideas about how to raise your child, which may make decisions about everything from schooling to discipline and even religious upbringing challenging and conflictual. But even if your co-parenting relationship...
Continue ReadingWays to co-parent at the child’s big game
There are countless benefits for children who participate in afterschool sports. Children learn teamwork, discipline and perseverance, and nothing makes a child happier than seeing their parents in the stands or on the sidelines, cheering them on. And, most parents want to be involved in their child’s extracurricular activities, even...
Continue ReadingCan my ex just take our kid overseas?
These days, you cannot turn on the television without seeing images of international travel. It is incorporated into almost every show, scripted and reality alike. This has led many to seek international employment or try moving internationally to find their roots. This can be a wonderful journey, but not so...
Continue ReadingThe ARD program may clear your name if you are charged with DUI
You got a DUI and now what? Will you have to go to jail? The thought itself is terrifying not to mention how your life will be changed forever even upon your release. Getting a DUI in Pennsylvania does not always mean jail time and a conviction. One alternative to...
Continue ReadingMaternal gatekeeping is a real problem
Maternal gatekeeping may sound like a mother blocking the entrance to a theme park, but the reality is much darker. Maternal gatekeeping can destroy the father-child bond. What is it? Maternal gatekeeping refers to situations where the mother of the child controls access to the child. This includes outside parties,...
Continue ReadingPossible ways to challenge a breath test
Getting charged with a DUI in Pennsylvania is a serious event that affects many areas of your life. You face high fines, loss of your driver’s license and potential jail time. A DUI conviction could also affect your career or reputation among family and friends. Although there are potential defenses...
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