What Are Your Second Amendment Rights?
The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution states that “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.” In short, it gives you the right to own and carry a firearm. Whether...
Continue ReadingWhat is the Statute of Limitations for White Collar Crimes in Pennsylvania?
White collar crimes are often complicated cases that require extensive investigation and evidence-gathering by authorities before they can bring charges. However, the authorities do not have an unlimited amount of time to investigate and keep potential defendants waiting for possible charges. There is a statute of limitations, which is a...
Continue ReadingWhat Is an Expungement?
An expungement is a court order that erases all evidence of a specific criminal charge off one’s record – as if it never happened. Even if a charge never comes to anything, such as if it’s dropped or if you’re found not guilty, evidence of the charge, arrest, and case...
Continue ReadingCan I Be Charged with a White-Collar Crime Even if I Didn’t Directly Commit the Act?
While white collar crimes aren’t violent in nature, they are still serious crimes that the State of Pennsylvania takes very seriously. To make things even more challenging, white-collar crimes are often charged at the federal level because these acts of fraud are often perpetrated online. If you’re facing a criminal...
Continue ReadingWhat Are the Consequences of Being Convicted of a White-Collar Crime for First-Time Offenders?
White-collar crimes are nonviolent crimes that generally relate to financial fraud or embezzlement, and they can lead to very serious charges, including federal charges, when the internet is involved. A range of factors affect how harsh the related fines and penalties will be, and one of these is whether the...
Continue ReadingIs It Possible to Have a White-Collar Crime Conviction Expunged in Pennsylvania?
White-collar crimes are nonviolent crimes that are generally financial in nature and tend to involve gaining financial advantage through some form of fraud. In Pennsylvania, white collar crimes can carry jail time and significant fines and can be charged as summary offenses, misdemeanors, or felonies. If you have a white-collar...
Continue ReadingIs an expungement like a pardon?
If you have been convicted of a crime, there may be two options available to you to address it so you can move forward with your life. A pardon is an official forgiveness granted by the governor and an expungement of your criminal record means that it is removed from...
Continue ReadingHow can you alleviate the stress of pending criminal charges?
There’s no doubt that facing criminal charges is stressful. You can easily find yourself lost in thoughts of potential prison time, financially ruinous fines, and irreparable harm to your career and reputation. Although it might be hard to do, you can take solace knowing that there are multiple criminal defense...
Continue ReadingThree reasons DUI breath tests might not be reliable
If you have been charged with DUI in Pennsylvania, the prosecution will most likely use the results of a chemical breath test as evidence against you. This can be very powerful evidence. If your test showed a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or higher, you are legally presumed too...
Continue ReadingTraffic stop yields evidence of several crimes
Being pulled over for a traffic violation is serious enough, but a traffic stop that appears to be routine may yield evidence of several other, more serious crimes. A recent traffic stop in the borough of Lititz demonstrates this effect very convincingly. The incident On July 9, a Lititz borough...
Continue ReadingCan I take photos or videos of the police?
Interactions with police officers usually make people nervous. Whether you are pulled over while driving, have a police officer show up at your door or are stopped by a police officer while in public, you are likely to feel anxious. You may also have questions about what your rights are...
Continue ReadingWhat penalties could you face upon criminal conviction?
There’s no doubt that it’s stressful when you’re up against criminal charges. If this is your first time being accused of criminal wrongdoing, then you might be wondering about what the process will look like, but you’re probably more concerned about the potential penalties that the prosecution seeks to thrust...
Continue ReadingDUI suspect arrested and charged with other crimes
Driving under the influence of alcohol or other drug that impairs a person’s thought and reaction times often leads to other criminal charges that far outweigh drunk driving. A recent arrest in Reading illustrates the point. The arrest According to news reports, police stopped the suspect’s car because they noticed...
Continue ReadingGetting caught up in a drug bust
Sometimes a Pennsylvania resident will end up facing drug-related charges after a nearly random encounter with police, such as a traffic stop. The police may pull over the person for a minor traffic infraction and, while talking to the person, see drug paraphernalia in their car. This gives them probable...
Continue Reading5 criminal defense strategies that you might be able to use
When you’re charged with a criminal offense, it can feel like the world is against you. The prosecution might make bold statements about its ability to convict you, and the penalties that are threatened can leave you fearful of the future. But hope isn’t lost. After all, even in cases...
Continue ReadingFour reasons why you shouldn’t talk to the police
A lot of criminal convictions are obtained on the very words spoken by an accused individual, especially when interacting with the police. These admissions are powerful for the prosecution in court, and they’re extremely hard, if not impossible, for you to walk back. Therefore, if you’re being investigated for criminal...
Continue ReadingWhat are Miranda rights and why are they so important?
We’ve all seen crime shows where the police, as they are arresting a suspect, read them their rights. It is often a high drama moment, and many people have heard the phrases so many times that they know them by heart. What movies and television shows are reenacting is the...
Continue ReadingWhen is an ignition interlock required?
A DUI conviction can seriously disrupt many things in your life and carries major penalties. In addition to the high fines, loss of driving privileges and potential jail time, you may be required to use an ignition interlock device, which is a device installed in your vehicle that you must...
Continue ReadingUnderstanding “clean slate” and who is eligible in Pennsylvania
In Pennsylvania, being accused of a crime and subsequently arrested is challenging in many, many ways. If there is a conviction, there will be concerns not just about the penalties, but the long-term consequences even after the sentence is completed. The person might be aware of the expungement process and...
Continue ReadingCan the “two-hour rule” play a role in my DUI defense?
Pennsylvania drivers who are arrested and face the prospect of a conviction for driving under the influence might understand the basics about the charges. That includes the traffic stop itself, field sobriety tests, the breathalyzer and blood-alcohol concentration. What they are often unaware of is the nuance of these cases....
Continue ReadingExpunging a criminal record in Pennsylvania
It should come as no surprise to most Pennsylvania residents that a criminal record can have many ramifications. One bad night or one mistake can result in a criminal conviction, and even one misdemeanor charge on a record can have permanent consequences in almost all areas of life. People with...
Continue ReadingDomestic violence charges can derail one’s career, life
A resident of Lancaster County might not realize how easy it is to get charged with assault, battery or other crimes related to domestic violence. In some cases, a person might make a serious mistake in the heat of a family squabble or a tense situation with one’s ex. In...
Continue ReadingWhat can I expect during the criminal trial process?
The criminal trial process can be confusing for many in Lancaster County, some of whom have never been charged with a crime before. After you are charged, an arraignment is conducted, discovery has been completed, and all preliminary hearings and pre-trial motions have passed, it is time for the actual...
Continue ReadingAttacking witness credibility could be key to your case
It’s natural to worry about pending criminal allegations that have been levied against you. After all, the ramifications of a criminal conviction can be devastating. It might threaten you with jail or prison time, and enormous fines might shake your financial stability. Harm to your job and housing prospects, your...
Continue ReadingHow to seal or expunge your criminal record in Pennsylvania
Let’s face it, everyone in the Lancaster area has made a mistake during their lifetime. Luckily most of those mistakes have not resulted in a criminal record but for those who do have a criminal record they may wonder if they can ever get rid of it. In fact, a...
Continue ReadingOverview of the criminal expungement process in Pennsylvania
When someone is convicted of a criminal offense, that person has to face a lot of challenges in his or her everyday life. The sad part is that In many of such cases, the offenses are minor and the person convicted has realized the mistake and now wants to move...
Continue ReadingAre the prosecution’s witnesses lying? Show the jury
It can be nerve-wracking to face criminal charges. After all, the potential penalties that you’re facing might be quite severe. Therefore, you’re probably trying to figure out what you can do to build the strongest criminal defense possible in hopes of beating the prosecution. While you might have a number...
Continue ReadingDrugged driving: What to know
Driving under the influence of alcohol – also known as DUI – is exceedingly dangerous. Equally dangerous is a less-known activity that can still lead to serious injuries and criminal charges: driving under the influence of controlled substances. Pennsylvania has very strict laws about operating a vehicle while using drugs,...
Continue ReadingWhat is a Motion to Suppress Evidence?
A motion to suppress is a written request to prevent the government/prosecutor from using certain evidence against you in a criminal trial and would be decided by a judge – it is not decided by a jury. For example, the police search your car or your home illegally and find...
Continue ReadingYou have been charged with a crime? Now what?
Have you or a loved one recently been charged with a criminal offense in Pennsylvania? If so, this article is intended to explain what you may generally expect moving forward. The initial shock of a criminal charge is equal parts humiliating and scary. Will my picture be on social media?...
Continue ReadingWhat is a Preliminary Hearing? Do I need a lawyer?
When you are charged with a criminal offense a preliminary hearing is the initial court hearing normally held the magistrate’s office where the offense occurred. In Lancaster County certain preliminary hearings are held downtown at the courthouse (DUI’s and domestic violence cases). The arresting officer will file the criminal charges....
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How Does a Child Custody Agreement Change? What Are Your Second Amendment Rights? What is the Statute of Limitations for White Collar Crimes in Pennsylvania? What Is an Expungement? Can I Be Charged with a White-Collar Crime Even if I Didn’t Directly Commit the Act?RSS Feed
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