Divorce, child custody and holiday schedules
With holiday season in full swing, it is difficult to not see the importance these holidays have for individuals and families. For most parents, they cannot imagine celebrating the holidays without their children. However, for divorced parents, this is often a challenge.
Creating a custody plan can be a difficult task for divorcing parents, but establishing a holiday schedule can make it more challenging and messier. Emotions are often high, causing disagreements to impede the parent’s ability to create a holiday schedule that works for their situation.
Custody and holiday schedule
Ideally, you want to co-parent with the other parent; however, the Law Office of Steven W. Grosh understands this is not always easy and feasible. Our law firm acknowledges that some divorcing parents can work together to create a parenting plan and holiday schedule together, but if this is not successful, each parent will be required to submit a parenting plan to the court.
Leaving this decision up to the court could result in an unfavorable custody and visitation plan. As such, it is imperative to consider your legal rights and options. Our law firm focuses on the needs and goals of our clients, ensuring they are heard, understood and considered in the creation of a parenting plan.
Revisiting a custody order
As children age, their needs and interests change. Additionally, the lives of each parent could experience changes as well. A move, job change, shift in religious practices and social and community activities could all impact where a child lives, where they celebrate holidays and who will transport them to extracurricular activities.
When changes occur, they might be significant enough to warrant alterations to the current order. Therefore, a parent could file to modify the order the address custody issues and holiday schedules. This could result in a new order that better meets the needs and best interests of the child.
Whether you are in a healthy co-parenting situation or not, issues concerning child custody could arise. When they occur, it is important to consider your legal options. A legal professional can help you better understand your situation, making you better equipped to navigate the process to create or modify a child custody order.
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