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Archived Articles

Four common property division mistakes to avoid

Pennsylvania is an equitable distribution state. This means that your divorce is going to result in the division of assets that is deemed by you and your spouse, or the judge, if an agreement can’t be reached, to be fair. This doesn’t, however, mean that the division of assets is...

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Preparing for your custody trial

Pennsylvania law allows you the chance to resolve your custody dispute without having to enter a courtroom. As part of the custody process in Pennsylvania, you are required to attend a conciliation and potentially a mediation, all before you get to a custody trial. Conciliation and mediation A conciliation is...

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How long are drivers’ licenses suspended after DUI?

There are many different laws and penalties regarding DUIs in Pennsylvania. People may understand that they could be sent to jail, have to pay fines, lose their drivers’ licenses and other penalties. However, which penalties people will face for a particular DUI offense depends on their blood alcohol concentration (BAC)...

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