Archived Articles
So, you want to create an estate plan
So, you’ve finally decided to create an estate plan. Maybe you just graduated college, got married, had a child, went through a divorce, received a large inheritance or maybe you simply just want a plan in place. No matter the reason, creating an estate plan is an important step to...
Continue ReadingArguing self-defense in your domestic violence case
It doesn’t take long for a verbal altercation to get heated. Sometimes, these matters even turn physical. When this happens, people can be left injured, the police can be called, and allegations of criminal wrongdoing can fly. If you’re on the receiving end of these accusations, then you face the...
Continue ReadingWhat is a field sobriety test?
Being stopped for suspicion of drunk driving is intimidating. Before making an arrest; however, the police officer may try to have motorists submit to a battery of tests that evaluate the driver’s balance, coordination and ability to divide their attention to multiple tasks. Field sobriety tests The field sobriety test...
Continue ReadingMental illness: a significant consideration in child custody
Child custody analysis requires courts to weigh numerous and often conflicting factors to determine to whom they should grant physical and/or legal custody. Mental illness represents perhaps the best example of how courts balance these interests. Parents retain a right, though not unrestricted, to bear and raise their children; however,...
Continue ReadingWhat will happen to my property if I leave no will?
If a Pennsylvania resident dies without a will, then their property will be passed to their heirs through a process called intestate succession. One can think of intestate succession as a default estate plan put together by Pennsylvania’s lawmakers. The idea behind it is to pass a deceased person’s property...
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