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Archived Articles

What are the grounds for divorce under Pennsylvania law?

Divorce is never an easy proposition. For people in Pennsylvania who have reached the end of the line in their marriage, taking that next step and moving forward with a divorce proceeding is complicated and emotionally wrenching. Given the inordinate challenges that people across the nation have faced in the...

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Taking care of insurance coverage during a divorce

Getting ready for divorce involves not only the working through of intense emotional issues that are bound to come up, but also the more pragmatic considerations of property division and, where there are children, custody and parenting time. These strong emotions can cloud details that both sides must consider as...

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Deciding on the right type of business structure

When a person wants to start a business, he or she may want to understand what type of business structure is the right one to use. In Pennsylvania, there are four main types of business structures, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Each business structure has its own registration...

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