Can I name my LLC whatever I want?
You’ve decided to finally take the leap and start your own limited liability company (LLC). Congratulations. This is an exciting decision to make. One of the first things you figure out after the purpose of your business is what you’re going to call it.
Although this is one of the most fun parts of creating your LLC, there are some legal restrictions for what you can name it. Don’t worry. You can have a creative name for your LLC while still complying with Pennsylvania law. Here are a few things to keep in mind when naming your business:
- The name must acknowledge it’s an LLC. The law requires that your name includes one of the words “company,” “limited” or “limited liability company.” If none of those words fit smoothly into your naming style, you can simply abbreviate any of these words.
- An LLC is different from a corporation. You should not name your business in a way that would lead someone to believe it is a corporation. That means refraining from including the words “incorporated” or “corporation” in the name or any abbreviation of either word.
- The name must not sound like certain business types. Pennsylvania forbids you from using words that sound like the purpose of your business is a financial institution, school or insurance company.
You can still have fun naming your business
Naming your business is one of the most fun parts of creating your LLC. You want the name to be as unique as you and your vision for your business. While you can have fun with naming your business, just remember that the law has certain limitations for doing so.
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